Electrical – What are the B4 and S3 terminals for on the X Series burner?

There are 5 terminals on the X Series domestic oil burner.

3 are inputs:

  • N (Neutral)
  • Earth
  • L (Live)

2 are outputs:

  • B4 gives an output for a burner run light if you have one on the boiler panel, otherwise it is not used.
  • S3 gives an output to a remote lockout light if you have one on the boiler panel, otherwise it is not used.
General – I have an Electro Oil AB burner

AB just means Ltd in Sweden, more info is needed on the colour or model number of the burner

General – The X Series mounting flange does not fit onto a Danesmoor boiler.

You can discard the mounting flange as the Danesmoor boiler has a mounting tube that fits the X-series and fastens down using 2 x grub screws.

General – What burner would replace an Inter 10, 11, 99 or 109

Our X400 burner fits exactly the same and is a direct replacement.

General – What is the foam insert in the X series air intake for?

This is an acoustic foam insert to reduce burner noise.

General – What is the steel rod and blue plastic tubing for in PN modulating burners?

These are used for modulating the air/gas ratio of the burner.

These must be fitted for the burner to operate correctly.

General – Why do we ask installers to call us regarding the insertion depth of the blast tube on commercial burners?

Two Reasons we ask this:

  • All burners are range rated, capable of firing a range of outputs. This makes a difference to the flame lengths of the burner. If the burner is not set at the correct depth, the flame could be hitting the back of the boiler causing damage in the long run.
  • Different boiler designs need the burner blast tube inserted at different depths to allow them to function properly.
General – Can I use Kerosene on commercial burners?

For information and advice on using Kerosene on non domestic situations see our blog page here.

General – What is the maximum output I can get from an X400 ?

The X400 will deliver around 36 KW maximum depending on the particular boiler resistance.

Please note that this is burner output and not boiler output, therefore the largest boiler output the X400 could fire would be around 32 KW.

For help with burner matching contact our technical department on 01480 477066

Oil pumps – How do you convert a BFP11 pump from 1 to 2 pipe operation?

Remove the four hexagonal 4mm screws from the face of the oil pump.

Then remove the 2.5mm hexagonal screw located at six a clock on the bottom face of the pump.

Underneath that screw is a copper horseshoe washer, if you require 2 pipe operation you must remove this washer.

Then replace the screw and reassemble the pump being careful not to trap the pump face gasket.

Oil types – Can I use my own bio fuel?

The X Series and components are not within guarantee or any warranties when using untested and non-refined fuels. Warranties only apply to Bio fuels refined by known oil supply companies where the fuel has been mixed and filtered to industry standards.

Oil types – Can the X Series burner be run on gas oil?

Yes it can, but the burner will need to be adjusted since gas oil requires higher oil pump pressures to obtain correct atomisation.

The pump pressure will need to be increased.

The nozzle size reduced in order to obtain the same output.

Also be cautious as some modern condensing boiler manufactures do not permit the use of gas oil on their appliances.

Oil types – What bio fuel will the x-series fire?

The X Series has been tested and is guaranteed up to a 10% mix of FAME oil and kerosene or gas oil.

Setting up – What size nozzle should I fit and what pump pressure?
Setting up – What do I set my combustion to on X series burners?

When replacing an oil burner on a boiler, its advisable to check the original manufacturers instructions regarding nozzles sizes, pump pressure and CO2 levels. A typical CO2 reading would be around 11.5% which still gives a good amount of excess air which is important when working with oil combustion, as ambient air temperature, barometric pressure, fuel quality fluctuations, carbonising and nozzle wear all have an effect on combustion. To little excess air i.e too high a CO2 (over 12%) will most likely cause sooting of the boiler.

If your combustion analyser does not display excess air, it can be easily calculated by using the recorded Oxygen level from you combustion readings.

For example: 6(measured O2) x 100 / 21 (oxygen in air) = 28% excess air.