Sapphire Training in Scotland & Northern Ireland

We are pleased to announce we are continuing to offer Sapphire Boiler Training to all OFTEC trained technicians in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

EOGB have partnered with 3 Training Centres, to provide the training on Sapphire. These are Aberdeen Training Centre, Inverness College and South Eastern Regional College in Newtownards.

The courses started running in December last year and we are continuing to provide them this year.

Sapphire Boiler installed at SERC, Newtownards

If you are interested in attending a free of charge course on our award-winning boiler, please contact our Technical Sales Manager Gary Stronach here.

Once you complete the training, you will then be offered the opportunity to become an Approved Sapphire Agent.

We look forward to welcoming you here.

EOGB, incorporating the Baltur UK Brand are one of the UK’s leading manufacturers and distributors of oilgas and dual fuel burners from 12KW-50 MW for domestic, commercial and industrial applications.
